Download Fujifilm GFX 100 Outdoor Evening 25p Log 64mm Pre Production Mov \/\/FREE\\\\
Before diving into this section, I must first point out that you will be unable to download full-size images captured with the GFX 100S. I used a pre-production sample, and therefore we cannot share the image files. Further, as current software doesn't fully support RAW processing, I cannot share processed files. The images seen in this hands-on preview are resized JPEG files straight from the camera. If you want to see what this image sensor is capable of, and it's capable of a lot, I refer you to my Fujifilm GFX 100 Field Test for now. There you can download full-size images and RAW files from the Gallery and our lab testing. You should expect the GFX 100S to deliver similar imaging performance.
Download Fujifilm GFX 100 outdoor evening 25p Log 64mm pre production mov