When Ski Lifts Go Wrong Free Download [Extra Quality] PC Game
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When Ski Lifts Go Wrong Free Download PC Game
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong is a puzzler in the vein of Bridge Constructor. The player is tasked with building all manner of skiing attractions from chairlifts to gondolas to bridges. The game is very physics-based and the slightest construction error can result in, as the name suggests, hilarious failures. Even when everything is going wrong though the game is an absolute delight.
Eventually, around the third mountain level, When Ski Lifts Go Wrong begins to click. The game is still a challenge but it's the perfect level of challenging. The solution is evident but it's just out of reach. This slight level of brain tease is so gratifying to overcome again and again. When Ski Lifts Go Wrong also smartly adds extra objectives to the levels besides getting from point A to point B. There are budget restrictions added to lifts or extra collectible medals are placed in dangerous locations (like between two tall trees).
The campaign is lengthy too. With over a 100 levels, which can take about 15 minutes or more to complete each depending on your skill level, there's a substantial and worthy time investment in When Ski Lifts Go Wrong. Sadly once the campaign is over there's not much life left in the game. There is a level editor which works well and is creatively simulating for a certain type of player. However there's no option to share or download levels from other other players on Nintendo Switch or PC. It's possible to share pictures and videos of your creations but there's no player interaction which is a huge missed opportunity.
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong does much more than provide a solid construction-based puzzle experience. For starters, each of its dozens upon dozens of stages offers unique challenges and gameplay elements so you'll have a ton of fun tweaking each stage solution to perfection. To make a ski lift, you must build sturdy structures while staying within budget. That sounds simple enough but you also must construct jumps and various types of lifts besides chair lifts such as tow ropes. You can even control different kinds of folks such as skiers, snowboarders, and snowmobilers. Building a perfect jump only to control a little chum to soar off of it and collect a medal in the process simply feels awesome. Plus, the fact that the construction phase is incredibly intuitive complete with a semi-automatic mode that places additional support beams wherever needed makes gameplay a breeze.
8-Bit Invaders is a solid finale to a fantastic trilogy of accessible RTS games. It doesn't deviate much from the other 2 games but when the core gameplay is as fun and intuitive as it is, simply having more stages to master within a new theme is enough.
scott_b: Another good set of indie write-ups. I had not heard of Steamroll previously, as I'm mostly paying attention to Switch releases these days. I see that Steamroll is on Steam as well, and currently is on sale there for $3.24 (US) - might give it a shot. I recently started playing a different indie game called Agartha-S. I believe it is only on the Switch so far. Personally I am enjoying it, but I'm not sure if others would. It is described on the eShop as an exploration game, and at first blush it looks like a drastically simplified Terraria. But it actually plays out like a puzzle game IMO. There are several dozen modestly sized levels, with varying environmental features, and (so far) a few different enemies and occasional bosses. The player simply needs to reach the exit and does so largely by deforming or otherwise altering the environment itself. Not only can you destroy rock, you also can freeze water into ice, burn off oil, heat water into steam, and other variants. The kicker is that you have limited, non-refillable ammo for each of your four abilities (as in Lemmings, for example) so you have to use your weapons in a measured and thoughtful manner. Hence the "puzzle" feeling. There are several unlockable characters, each with a different set of abilities. I just started unlocking some, and I think they play fairly differently, but need to experiment further. I don't know if the mechanics are truly unprecentended but they are at least unusual, which I find refreshing. Controls and movement are a bit janky, but I can deal. YMMV on that one. And the visuals are absolutely low-res, which suits me fine, but might bother some gamers. Seems to be practically no coverage of Agartha-S online, aside from a couple of previews from months back, and a gameplay video on YouTube. So I thought I'd share my thoughts here. Don't ask me for a rating, though; I don't do those!